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Babies, Babies, Babies!


Whilst I've been a bit out of the blogging scene for the past few months I've been busy training and photographing some beautiful newborn babies.

At the end of March I attended a training day with Maggie from Dinky Feet Photography to train in newborn photography. I learned so much and its already impacting on my work, as I hope shows through in the images. I now get to use these skills in upcoming newborn photo sessions and will produce images even more beautiful to show off your precious bundles.

Images from my training. Poses and lighting set up by Maggie, photos taken and edited by me (Scrollable Gallery)

Shortly after my training I asked for a model to put my newly learned skills into practise. Lois had been born the week before and mum said she would love some photos of her early days, so I made my way to their home and set up for my session.

What a beautiful baby, so alert! Lois didn't much like sleep at the time of her session but none the less we came away with beautiful results.

Big sister Paige and mummy and daddy all joined in on the action and we managed to get a lovely family shot at the same time. Sometimes its not possible to do every pose that we'd like to do, sometimes babies just don't like to be on their tummy's and we just go with it.

Beautiful Lois and her family (Scrollable Gallery)

Little Hugo came along a few weeks later and mum booked him in for his portrait session with me.

A little star from beginning to end we only had to stop for a few top up feeds and to clean up some nappy 'problems' (He pooed on every blanket I own! I wash them all after every session anyway so this wasn't at all a problem)

Also such an alert little thing when awake he gazed and gazed up at me whilst I talked to him and snuggled him into his wrap for his first photo. Hugo didn't seem to mind in the slightest how he was positioned and once asleep, he slept through all the pose changes.

Little star Hugo at his newborn photography session (Scrollable Gallery)

All in all I've enjoyed my training and I've loved being able to apply all I learned to my own work.

If you would like to book in for a newborn session

please click here or email

Or for more information and pricing click here

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